Isabelle Moreau

Docteur en littérature française, Reader in Early Modern Studies, University College (London)



My scholarly work is centred on relations between literary and philosophical discourses in early modern Europe, particularly seventeenth-century France. It focuses on two central issues: the interplay between narrative fictions and philosophical discourse; and the circulation of ideas and their textual transformations.

Research areas:

- Seventeenth-century literature and thought; Cultural history and history of ideas, with a special interest in libertinism and free-thinking.

- The status of fiction in philosophy and literature in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Issues of fiction, rhetoric and make-believe in relation to intellectual history and science.

- Eighteenth century literature and thought; Diderot, the Encyclopedie, clandestine and libertine writing. The Mind-Body Problem in Early Modern Europe. Materialism in thought, literature, medicine and the emerging sciences 1600-1800.

- Early Modern Travel narratives and post-colonial theories.

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Publications significatives

2005 : avec Grégoire Holtz éd., « Parler librement ». La liberté de parole au tournant du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle. Lyon: ENS Éditions.

2007 : « Guérir du sot ». Les stratégies d’écriture des libertins à l’âge classique. Paris, Honoré Champion.

2009 : (ed.) Les Lumières en mouvement. La circulation des idées au XVIIIe siècle. Lyon, ENS Éditions.

2011 : « Hommes, bêtes et ‘Fondins’ chez Gabriel de Foigny », in Seventeenth-century French Studies, vol. 33 n° 1, p. 49-58

2013 : « Figures exotiques du déisme de Mersenne à Bernier », in La Lettre Clandestine, 21, 2013, p. 99-114.

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